Hi! Here are your data for HSPM J716 assignment 1.
(Later, for the last part of assignment 1A, you will need an additional data set. Those data are on this other page.)
These data are randomly generated each time this page loads in your browser. Each student gets a different data set. You will get a different data set, too, if you leave this page and come back to it later.
1/14/13: If you see security messages, do go ahead and activate the Java add-on or plug-in. Copying and pasting may not work. You may have to hand-copy the data to a piece of paper and then hand-type them into the spreadsheet. Sorry! Hopefully, Java will be fixed soon.
Instructions for copying and pasting the data into your spreadsheet: (If these instructions don't work, write the data down. Then type the data into your spreadsheet as described in the Assignment 1 pdf instructions.)