Hi! Here are your data for the last part of HSPM J716 Assignment 1A.
For Assignment 1A, start with the spreadsheet that you developed for Assignment 1. Add the columns and the new summary statistics as described in the Assignment 1A pdf. Decide whether you can reject the hypothesis that the true slope is 0 in the process that generated your Assignment 1 data. Include that in your write-up.
After that, copy and paste the data in the box below over the data in the B and C columns of your spreadsheet. These data were generated differently from the data for Assignment 1. Your t-statistic should change. Based on this new t-statistic, decide whether you can reject the hypothesis that the true slope is 0 in the process that generated these data. Include with your write-up or submission a printout or copy of the spreadsheet with these data.
Instructions for copying and pasting the data into your spreadsheet: (If these instructions don't work, write the data down. Then type the data into your spreadsheet as described in the Assignment 1 pdf instructions.)